
First of all, I apologize for my bad english.

I use postfix-3.3.1 and openssl-1.0.2.

Actual ssl config : tlsv1.0 minimum is set for smtp and smtpd. tlsv1.2 minimum is set for submission/starttls.

My goal : All auth connections must be done with tlsv1.2 minimum. Others connections can be done with tlsv1.0 minimum.

If I use tlsv1.2 minimum everywhere, I can't send/receive mail to/from mail provider still using tlsv1.0 so I had to set tlsv1.0 minimum. But I want to allow auth connections from users of my smtp/imap server with tlsv1.2 minimum.

I already set up tlsv1.2 minimum for submission/starttls. I thought about disable auth connection using 465 port but I don't want to force my users to strictly use starttls.

Is there a way to allow tlsv1.0 minimum for unauth connection and allow tlsv1.2 minimum for auth connection on port 465 ?

Have a nice day!

Thomas Bourdon

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