Hi, I'm using Postfix/Dovecot. I have two different domain (xdomain.com and ydomain.com). I create two different Dovecot config file for authentication and it works fine. But I can't configure virtual_mailbox_maps for my domains. If I configure like below it works fine;
server_host = ldap://ldap.xdomain.com:389 search_base = cn=Users, dc=xdomain, dc=com version = 3 query_filter = (&(objectclass=person)(mail=%s)) result_attribute = mail result_format = %d/%u/ bind = yes bind_dn = ad...@xdomain.com bind_pw = AdminTest If I change xdomain to ydomain it also works fine. But I can't configure both. How can I do that? Regards -- Sent from: http://postfix.1071664.n5.nabble.com/Postfix-Users-f2.html