El lun., 8 oct. 2018 a las 17:58, Christos Chatzaras (<ch...@cretaforce.gr>)

> Κeep in mind that depending on your setup using authorized_submit_users
> maybe doesn't allow to send system messages, for example if you use "quota
> warning" with dovecot.
> If you only do PHP hosting try to disable mail() from php.ini and use a
> firewall to not allow direct outgoing connections to port 25 for users but
> only for root, postfix, and maybe some other system accounts.
> This will take care most of spam sent from hacked hosting accounts.

Hmm, you're right. However, some of my servers host many shell accounts,
and for us it's more convenient to whitelist all system users rather than
blacklisting all shell users one after another. Nevertheless this is
something I still have to investigate and test in more depth. Thanks so
much for your feedback

Best regards,


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