On 26 Jul 2018, at 19:34 (-0400), Wietse Venema wrote:
Bill Cole:
On 26 Jul 2018, at 11:23, Alex wrote:
I have a postfix-3.3.1 running on a fedora28 system and frequently
warnings such as these in my logs:
Jul 26 10:42:09 mail03 postfix/dnsblog[3949]: warning:
lookup error for DNS query
or domain name not found. Name service error for
name= type=A: Host not found,
This is a potentially misleading error message due to a
quirk. It DOES NOT mean that ""
resulted in a NXDOMAIN, it means that an A record for a name server
the parent domain could not be found. A completed resolution with a
NXDOMAIN result is silent.
Actually, the error message means that there was no DNS reply: no
A record, no NXDOMAIN, etc., therefore Postfix cannot know whether
the A record exists.
I stand corrected. I don't have any recent examples but somehow it was
stuck in my head that this was a mark of a bad NS record. Faulty
Bill Cole
b...@scconsult.com or billc...@apache.org
(AKA @grumpybozo and many *@billmail.scconsult.com addresses)
Currently Seeking Steadier Work: https://linkedin.com/in/billcole