On Tue, July 10, 2018 20:35, Viktor Dukhovni wrote:
> The connecting client did not like one of the certificates in the
> chain.  Perhaps it expected to find working a WebPKI certificate
> from one of the usual suspects ("browser bundle" public root CAs).
> You should ask the postmaster of the sending domain?  Is the problem
> ongoing?  Or a transient glitch?

It is an ongoing problem with delivery to us of the samba-users
mailing list digest, of which I am a subscriber.

I am in communication with the person directly responsible for
implementing DANE at that site.  They have just implemented DANE which
is when the problems first started.

As we use 'smtp_tls_security_level = dane' and as they are missing a
number of TLSA RRs their problem with us may be an incomplete
implementation.  I have referred them to: 
We will see if any changes result.

Thank you for your help, as always.


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James B. Byrne                mailto:byrn...@harte-lyne.ca
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