In our live system, I have firewall forwarding port 25 to mail server. 
That mail server then delivers mail to Domino server.

I am testing on a VM, and I have this much configured and working within 
our LAN.

I am unclear as to delivery restrictions.  The default for 
mynetworks_style is subnet, so email will be accepted from any machine on 
Does this restrict email coming in from internet?  Since I can't test with 
live system, I can't forward port 25 to VM for testing.

My goal:
I am migrating from Sendmail.  In Sendmail I use virtusertable to pass 
only defined users on to Domino server.
The problem I am having with Sendmail is, it does not reject email to 
unknown users, even with   ERROR
at end of file.  I am hoping Postfix can do this.  So I need to know how 
to receive email from internet
and reject unknown users, preferable before initial handshaking is 
complete and the whole emaill has been

Thank you

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