On Wed, June 27, 2018 13:49, Wietse Venema wrote:
> James B. Byrne:
>> This still does not clarify for me why the double-bounce address was
>> being reported given that the postconf reported values for notify
>> did
>> not include bounces.
> Asl someone else on the list noted, this was triggered by the
> 'queue file write error' condition. Postfix is quote verbose
> about such errors, so I am surrised that you came up
> empty-handed when examining the logs.
>       Wietse

That was not Postfix's fault.  I am transitioning between two server
OS.  MX32 runs FreeBSD and on that OS maillog files are bz compressed
and rolled over every night.  I was oblivious to that when I searched
and so obviously I found nothing outside of the current maillog file. 
The log entries were there but, by the time I found them, I had moved
past the need to see them.

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James B. Byrne                mailto:byrn...@harte-lyne.ca
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