On Sat, May 26, 2018 at 06:51:33AM -0600, @lbutlr wrote:
> On 26 May 2018, at 06:30, Sean Son 
> <linuxmailinglistsem...@gmail.com> wrote:
> > postconf -d | egrep '^[^ ]*mtpd?_tls.*_protocols' .  but it still 
> > shows me the old settings
> The output of postconf -d will never change.
> Man postconf:
>        -d     Print main.cf default parameter settings instead of
>               actual settings.  Specify  -df to fold long lines
>               for human readability (Postfix 2.9 and later).

Perhaps this could be reworded to be less confusing?  Since "-d" 
doesn't look at main.cf, s/main.cf/"Postfix internal"/?

Just a thought.  This particular misunderstanding is pretty common.
Of course "instead of actual settings" should be a clue.  It might 
help if the OP tells us what he was thinking when reading that 
passage about "-d".  Reading too fast?
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