On 05/21/2018 07:31 AM, Stephen Satchell wrote:
On 05/21/2018 07:06 AM, Postfix User wrote:
I would suggest that you read this:http://www.postfix.com/DEBUG_README.html

Suggest adding a section "Using a remote filesystem", asking if the clocks between the PostFix server and the remote file system are synchronized.

Add a test in Postfix start-up to check if filesystem timestamps reasonably match the Postfix host system's time?

Create a file within the Postfix folder tree, check the m-time, and then delete the file. Log an error if the clocks differ by more than a few seconds.

Just a thought. I know that the use of remote file systems is not a common occurrence, but it's happening enough that the benefits of adding a clock sanity check outweigh the burden of work.

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