On Wed, May 16, 2018 at 06:48:55PM +0200, for...@mehl-family.fr wrote:
> I can't specifie the good mail sender with postfix. 

What you describe most likely is not a Postfix problem.

> I explain: 
> I have a server mail cluster with 2 nodes (but only one works, the
> second is going to be made). 
> Node names is "node1" and "node2", cluster name is "node". On 
> node1, the server name is "node1" and the mail server name (for 
> postfix) is "node". The servers are on a personnal domain 
> (my_domain.fr).
> On all of my servers (mail servers and others), the postfix
> configuration is: 
> ..... 
> mydomain = my_domain.fr 
> myhostname = server_name.$mydomain 

Neither of which is directly relevant.  See:


> (with "node" for relay to others servers and mail server 
> configuration for "node1")
> When I send a mail from a local server (linux) with a linux user,
> I receive the mail with "from user@server.my_domain.fr" [1]. So,
> that's OK.
> But when I send a mail from the mail server with a linux user,

How did you send the mail?  Typically the MUA would set a sender 
address.  Is the sender set in the MUA?  We might have been able to 
tell, if you had shown us LOGS.

> I receive the mail with "from user@node1" [1] instead of "from
> user@node1.my_domain.fr" [1]. 

Your link was not a real link.

> I don't understand where is the bad configuration. 

Right, and we could possibly tell you, as above.  But most likely 
your OS has preconfigured your mail(1) command to set a sender
domain name.

> Links:
> ------
> [1]
> https://mehlsrvmail:40030/?_task=mail&_caps=pdf%3D0%2Cflash%3D1%2Ctiff%3D0%2Cwebp%3D0&_uid=59&_mbox=Sent&_framed=1&_action=preview#NOP

  Offlist GMX mail is seen only if "/dev/rob0" is in the Subject:

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