
postfix is configured as relay server. Other systems relay with postfix.
Here i want to allow for a specific group of hosts, when they use a
specific mail from address only a few specific destination domains. Other
hosts should not be bothered. This is only a need to limit a group of hosts
to not accidentally send out mails to other domains.

smtpd_sender_restrictions = check_sender_access
smtpd_restriction_classes = benachrichtigung
benachrichtigung = check_recipient_access hash:/etc/postfix/erlaubt, reject

benachrichtig...@cubewerk.de benachrichtigung

microsoft.com OK
aol.com OK
yahoo.com OK

That works and only allows mails with mail from:
benachrichtig...@cubewerk.de to above domains. How can i additionally say -
and only limit sending of mails to this 3 domains, if smtp connection is
from 3 local IPs? ( ?

I can not think of a way to achieve this.

thank you.


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