Hi all. I had a run with postmap and these are the founding.... so we have mydomain1.com which is the original domain.....and mydomain2.com which is the actual domanin of our company. So when I do the following
- postmap -q arel...@mydomain1.com regexp:./domain_rewriting ldap:./ ldap-virtual-maps.cf areluca basically doesn't exist with my mydomain1.com so...I get a message back with *user unknown* - postmap -q arel...@mydomain2.com regexp:./domain_rewriting ldap:./ ldap-virtual-maps.cf returns arel...@mydomain1.com......which DOESN\t exist..... but cause it find a result anyway I dont get any mail back saying *user unknown* So it's something in the ldap that I need to add or trigger. Maybe mailacceptinggeneralid will do the job accordingly to *http://www.postfix.org/LDAP_README.html#config? <http://www.postfix.org/LDAP_README.html#config?>??* Thanks On Fri, Apr 20, 2018 at 4:03 PM, Viktor Dukhovni <postfix-us...@dukhovni.org > wrote: > > > > On Apr 20, 2018, at 8:03 AM, @lbutlr <krem...@kreme.com> wrote: > > > > The biggest issue between regex (POSIX) and PCRE is that POSIX regex is > greedy. that is, it matches the longest possible left, while PCRE matches > the shortest possible left. > > That's false (example uses a Bash in-line file): > > $ postmap -q aaa pcre:<(printf '%s\n' '/(a*)(a)/ $1:$2') > aa:a > > however, PCRE does also provide non-greedy "*" and "+" variants: > > $ postmap -q aaa pcre:<(printf '%s\n' '/(a+?)(a)/ $1:$2') > a:a > > $ postmap -q aaa pcre:<(printf '%s\n' '/(a*?)(a)/ $1:$2') > :a > > -- > Viktor. > > -- *Alfredo*