On 01/28/2018 01:53 PM, Viktor Dukhovni wrote:
> You're not supposed to do this "by hand".  Instead, when upgrading from 
> source, run:
>   # postfix set-permissions upgrade-configuration

How sensitive is the $mail_owner account? From what I gather, the
set-permissions script (which defers to post-install) is intended to be
run more than once on the same system. It reads postfix-files, which
contains e.g.


and then in post-install, lines like that are read...

  while IFS=: read path type owner group mode flags junk

and the flags are parsed:

  case $flags in *u*) upgrade_flag=1;; *) upgrade_flag=;; esac
  case $flags in *c*) create_flag=1;; *) create_flag=;; esac
  case $flags in *r*) recursive="-R";; *) recursive=;; esac

In particular, that will result in "chown -R" being called on my active
queue directory whenever "postfix set-permissions" is run:

  test -n "$set_permission" && {
    chown $recursive $owner $path || exit 1

My question is, can't the $mail_owner -- who knows that this is going to
take place eventually -- throw a hard link into the active queue that
points to a sensitive file? Proof of concept:

  $ sudo su postfix -s /bin/sh -c 'ln /etc/passwd
  $ sudo postfix set-permissions
  $ ls /etc/passwd
  -rw-r--r-- 2 postfix root 1.4K 2018-01-27 11:47 /etc/passwd

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