On 25 January 2018 at 16:02, Zach Sheppard <zshepp...@g.oconee.k12.sc.us>

> Is it possible to exempt one sender from receiving non-delivery
> notifications? We have a DMARC policy that forces DKIM headers on all mail
> and when Postfix sends a non-delivery notification to this bulk mail sender
> (a fake e-mail alias) it fails because of our DMARC policy.
> I have set notify_classes= to not receive any e-mails about errors/bounces
> but it looks like the non-delivery notifications still occur.
> How could I block one sender from receiving those notifications?

​Rather than remove the notifications you could make them DMARC compliant
internal_mail_filter_classes = bounce

See http://www.postfix.org/postconf.5.html#internal_mail_filter_classes -
note the warning (presumably because of a loop risk)

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