Le 07/01/2018 à 02:49, Wietse Venema a écrit :
Quick update: I've done a brain-dead simple, but correct, implementation
that always quotes the name (just like qmail, BTW). If needed, it
can be made smarter later.

There 's some draft documentation below.


header_from_format (default: standard)
        The format of the Postfix-generated From: header. By  default,  Postfix
        generates  this header only for clients that match the local_header_re-
        write_clients setting.

        This setting affects the appearance of email from programs that  submit
        messages  without  From:  header,  such  as some /bin/mail command-line

        Specify one of the following:

        standard (default)
               Produce a header formatted as From: "name" <address>.   This  is
               the default as of Postfix 3.3.

        legacy Produce  a header formatted as From: address (name). This is the
               behavior prior to Postfix 3.3.

        This feature is available in Postfix 3.3 and later.

As I've been hit by "local_header_rewrite_client" a lots of time because of local content filter, could you consider to change the default of "local_header_rewrite_client" from "permit_inet_interface" to "" for the next compatibility_level bump too ? As you previously note, by default we should today mandate sane MUA behavior regarding From: header.


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