> On Dec 21, 2017, at 3:21 PM, Motty Cruz <motty.c...@gmail.com> wrote:
> I'm not sure if I understand you questions correctly. 
> have you try re-queue the email with the following command: 
> postsuper -r ALL 

This is bad advice.  That would in fact extend the queue lifetime
of messages that are near expiration.

Changes in the queue lifetime take effect immediately, however,
messages are only expired after a failed delivery attempt, and
not just thrown away when the clock runs out.

Therefore, each deferred message needs to be tried at least
once more before it is bounced.  The time to retry the message
is not updated as a side-effect of changing the queue lifetime
(and 1h is way too small in any case, you're probably solving
the wrong problem).

To expedite retries, you can flush the queue, or flush individual
messages via "postqueue -f" or "postqueue -i <queue-id>" (check
the postqueue(1) manpage).


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