On 22.11.17 07:33, K F wrote:
Thankyou all for helping me out, and giving me ideas on what to look at.
The argument
smtpd_tls_security_level = may
if you have working TLS on port 587, but not on port 25, while the same
postfix listens on those, there's apparently a problem
where did you put it? Into the main.cf ?
didn't help according to openssl
openssl s_client -connect bounce:25 -starttls smtp
Loading 'screen' into random state - done
didn't found starttls in server response, try anyway...
Can the mysql queries really be affected by using or not using ssl? I don't
understand how, if the connecting SMTP is not using authentication?
why do you bother with MySQL when your problem lies elsewhere?
Or did you miss something when you asked for TLS?
1. TLS on port 25 did not work, because you did not enable it.
2. recipient got rejected on 587, because port 587 requires authentication.
Neither of those is related to MySQL.
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