On Thu, Oct 26, 2017 at 12:33:03PM +0200, Poliman - Serwis wrote:
> I know that MS has own black list but why they block me.

There is exactly one place which can answer that question, and it's 
*NOT* the postfix-users mailing list!

If Microsoft is blocking you, ASK MICROSOFT for help.

Recently (June) I helped someone with the same problem.  Microsoft 
postmaster was contacted, a human replied, and the IP address was 
removed from their blacklist.

Seriously ... why did no one else suggest this?  Even if, as one 
might imagine, they didn't care enough to reply (as is the case at 
Google and other large receivers), Microsoft really is the only 
reasonable one to ask about this.

#include <standard-deliverability-advice.h>
  Offlist GMX mail is seen only if "/dev/rob0" is in the Subject:

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