On the web site, when the links for ReleaseNotes or History are https://archive.mgm51.com/mirrors/postfix-source/official/postfix-3.2.2.RELEASE_NOTES
https://archive.mgm51.com/mirrors/postfix-source/official/postfix-3.2.2.HISTORY When I click on one of these, the link doesn't open the page in the browser to read. Instead it tries to DL it as a ".BIN" filetype. No option is given for saving the FileType in the browser as far as I see. I think this is because some of the servers don't set the mime type for those extensions. Other hosts, like https://de.postfix.org/ftpmirror/official/postfix-3.2.2.RELEASE_NOTES work OK. The files open & display right in the browser. I don't know what the solution is for the servers. Maybe those links could be rewritten to "postfix-3.2.2.RELEASE_NOTES.txt" to get around broken servers?