Wietse Venema:
> > The panic message says "%s" therefore this VBUF_SNPRINTF() call is
> > made while formatting a string with an fmt value of "%s".
> Unfortunately, the panic call overwrites the format string that was
> involved with the error, so the analysis for width and precision
> is wrong.

If you built Postfix from source, applying this will save the
format string during panic, and may make problem diagnosis


--- src/util/vbuf_print.c-      2017-01-01 10:58:50.000000000 -0500
+++ src/util/vbuf_print.c       2017-08-30 07:09:17.000000000 -0400
@@ -109,10 +109,10 @@
        VBUF_SPACE((bp), (sz)); \
        _ret = snprintf((char *) (bp)->ptr, (bp)->cnt, (fmt), (arg)); \
        if (_ret < 0) \
-           msg_panic("%s: output error for '%s'", myname, (fmt)); \
+           msg_panic("%s: output error for '%s'", myname, mystrdup(fmt)); \
        if (_ret >= (bp)->cnt) \
            msg_panic("%s: output for '%s' exceeds space %ld", \
-                     myname, fmt, (long) (bp)->cnt); \
+                     myname, mystrdup(fmt), (long) (bp)->cnt); \
        VBUF_SKIP(bp); \
     } while (0)

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