Check out postmulti(1) manual page. Part of postfix package, at least on
my debian system. This will let you have separate configurations
(including started by a single init-script. This works quite
well, way better than making something similar manually.

Den 15. aug. 2017 18:35, skrev Viktor Dukhovni:
> On Tue, Aug 15, 2017 at 08:20:51PM +0400, Mohammed Khalid Ansari wrote:
>> Can I use multiple instances of postfix on the same host with different
>> ports like 25 and 587?
> Each instance has its own file.  The "inet" entries in
> that file, toghether with the inet_interfaces setting determine
> which TCP listener endpoints are handled by that instance.
> By default, newly created instances have all "inet" services disabled
> via "master_service_disable".  After your file matches
> your requirements, you can re-enable them and reload the instance.
>> I understand I can start one instance with port 25 and then change the port
>> in and start another one. Will that be OK??? Has anyone tried
>> that?? 
> Running multiple instances each with an appropriate is
> the purpose of multi-instance support in Postfix.  All that you
> need to do is to ensure that no instances attempt to bind the same
> service IP:port combination (the wildcard IP address generally
> conflicts with any explicit address on various operating systems).
>> I don't want to try on my host right now as it would be difficult for me to
>> fix if something goes wrong.
> Just stop any unwanted instances, and revert any (usually minor)
> changes to the configuration of the default instance.
> Multiple instances are *easier* to work with than a single monolithic
> system once your requirements get sufficiently complicated.

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