2017-08-02 15:28 GMT+08:00 Tobi <tobs...@brain-force.ch>:
> Am 01.08.2017 um 20:39 schrieb Abi Askushi:
>> Since this is socks proxy and not vpn you could redirect postfix traffic
>> with iptables to the port your socks proxy listens. Plenty examples on
>> google.
> if you redirect the full postfix traffic you might end up in asymetric
> routing.
> Most important question: does this postfix accept connections/mails from
> the outside world? If it does: which path these connections come to
> postfix? Via VPN/Socks or directly?

I only use postfix for delievering mail, not receiving anything from
the outside world. So all the connection to postfix come from local
programs (on my own laptop).

> If **ALL** connections to this postfix come via VPN/Socks simple
> iptables rules as suggested by Abi will work.
> Otherwise I gets more complex and the OP needs a routing based on the
> source of the pakets. The goal is to bring answers from postfix to the
> exact same path as the query from outside came in (means correct
> interface and gateway). And that can only be achieved by policy based
> routing.

A workable example will be really appreciated.


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