Hello list first of all: I know suppressing NDR/Delay Delivery Notifications is not a "good" thing as they can be helpful. But I have a case where I really need to suppress them :-)
My mailsystem consinsts of two postfix instances (mx and scanner) and the mailbox servers where scanners deliver via lmtp. The mail flow is outside world (smtp) --> mx (smtp) --> scanner (lmtp) --> mailbox Now I have several spamtrap addresses and catch-alls which are aliased by mx to the same RCPT address s...@example.tld This address does trigger some dovecot-sieve scripts on mbox upon receiving msg via lmtp. When the mbox servers are under heavy load the sieve-script is not processed fast enough and postfix on scanners keep the msg in queue > conversation with mbox.example.tld[XX.XX.XX.XX] timed out while > sending end of data -- message may be sent more than once) > s...@example.tld Although I have those messages on mbox :-) After some time the scanners try to send a delay notification to the original sender and after queue time expired the NDR. These notifications I want to suppress without suppressing the helpful ones for all "normal" rcpt addresses (not trap and not catch all). The msg to suppress have in common that they're all generated by messages for rcpt s...@example.tld Is it somehow possible to configure postfix to suppress notifications but only if they're were originally triggered by a delivery for a specific address? Thanks and cheers tobi