On Wed, Jul 12, 2017 at 07:08:34AM -0700, Tom Hudson wrote:
> Firstly, apologies if I haven't included all of the relevant 
> information in this initial post. Please let me know if I have 
> missed anything.

Full "postconf -nf ; postconf -Mf" and complete non-verbose logging 
of a single email which demonstrates your issue.

> I am currently running Postfix 3.2.0 and have a problem relating to 
> MX records and defered messages. What I have identified is, if a 
> domain our server is trying to send to has an MX record which 
> returns no response, the message is defered. Every time postfix 
> attempts to redeliver this message, it uses the same lowest 
> priority MX record.
> I have found examples in our mail queue which are deferred with the 
> reason "unknown mail transport error". When I attempt to telnet to 

You have changed a transport(5)-related setting to something which 
isn't a valid transport in your master.cf.

> the MX records for their domain, their lowest value MX is not 
> contactable but the others are.
> We can see no traffic attempting to go from postfix to the other MX 
> records, only the lowest value every time.
> I understand that it should be standard practice for Postfix to 
> first attempt the lowest value and then attempt to use all other MX 
> records before deferring the message.
> Can anyone advise why this isn't working for me? I'll include any 
> postconf settings which I think are relevant below and please tell 
> me if you need any more information;
> ignore_mx_lookup_error = no
> smtp_defer_if_no_mx_address_found = no
> smtp_mx_address_limit = 20
> smtp_mx_session_limit = 5
> smtp_skip_5xx_greeting = yes
> smtp_skip_quit_response = yes

See above.  This is not useful.
  Offlist GMX mail is seen only if "/dev/rob0" is in the Subject:

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