On 6/14/2017 12:52 PM, Homer Wilson Smith wrote:
>    How exactly does httpd drop mail into maildrop hundreds
> per minutes and I can't find any process at all that indicates this
> is going on even while it is going on.
>    Homer
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
> Homer Wilson Smith   Clean Air, Clear Water,    Art Matrix - Lightlink
> (607) 277-0959       A Green Earth, and Peace,  Internet, Ithaca NY
> ho...@lightlink.com  Is that too much to ask?  
> http://www.lightlink.com

Usually this is caused by an insecure web form calling the sendmail

You'll need to go through your httpd logs to find what form is being
abused, and either fix that form or remove it.

A temporary fix is to disallow whatever user httpd run as from using
the sendmail command
# main.cf
authorized_submit_users = !www, static:all

Where www  is the user your httpd runs as.

Of course the other temporary fix is to turn off the httpd service.

  -- Noel Jones

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