Op 5-6-2017 om 18:28 schreef Fernando Maior:
Hello, Roelof,

From this:
totaal 16
drwxr-xr-x.  2 root    root   24  5 jun 13:42 .
drwxr-xr-x. 76 root    root 8192  5 jun 15:26 ..
-rw-r--r--.  1 postfix root   47  5 jun 13:42 smtpd.conf
I believe you do not need to change owner/group of smtpd.conf; because postfix user already has access to read the file. You see, you have read+execute on the directory, and read on the file, for all users. So, postfix user *will* access and read the file.
The problem is not that. Find it on another place.
By the way, which is your distro?


Fernando Maciel Souto Maior
Projetos e Soluções de Tecnologia
(31) 99226-9440 TIM

2017-06-05 12:58 GMT-03:00 Roelof Wobben <r.wob...@home.nl>:
Op 5-6-2017 om 16:31 schreef wilfried.es...@essignetz.de:
Am 05.06.2017 um 14:42 schrieb Roelof Wobben:
Is the postfix user allowed to read /etc/sasl/smtpd.conf?
At this moment, not.  smtpd.conf has as owner root:root
Schould I change it to postfix:root ?
Yes, if it's not already world readable.

BTW: Can the postfix user traverse into /etc/sasl?

We can see it on output of "ls -al /etc/sasl".

Are the logs showing still the same errors?


Changed it.
output of ls -al /etc/sasl2

totaal 16
drwxr-xr-x.  2 root    root   24  5 jun 13:42 .
drwxr-xr-x. 76 root    root 8192  5 jun 15:26 ..
-rw-r--r--.  1 postfix root   47  5 jun 13:42 smtpd.conf

And the maillogs still give this error message : 

warning : sasl authentication failure: Internal Error -4 in server.c near line 1757
fatal : no sasl authentication mechanisms 


my distro is Centos 7 .


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