Hi, /etc/postfix/main.cf file configuration :
transport_maps = ldap:ldaptransport-stores # #Transport vers stores# ldaptransport-stores_server_host = ldap.domain.fr ldaptransport-stores_server_port = 389 ldaptransport-stores_bind = yes ldaptransport-stores_bind_dn = binduser ldaptransport-stores_bind_pw = xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx ldaptransport-stores_timeout = 20 ldaptransport-stores_version = 3 ldaptransport-stores_search_base = ou=domain.fr ldaptransport-stores_query_filter = (|(mail=%s)(mailAlternateAddress=%s)(mailEquivalentAddress=%s)) ldaptransport-stores_result_attribute = mailHost ldaptransport-stores_result_format = smtp:[%s] ldaptransport-stores_domain = domain.fr, domain2.fr Attribut ldap mailHost is different according to the user user1 mailHost = server1 user2 mailHost = server2 regards Stan Le 02/06/17, Michael Ströder <mich...@stroeder.com> a écrit : > Joshua Bonneville wrote: > > I am attempting to build a postfix mta server to act as a mail router based > > on ldap > > queries to route users to one of two mail environments we have that are on > > the same > > domain, but different providers. I have been unsuccessful in finding a > > proper way of > > setting this up in postfix > > It would be helpful if you decribe your own attempts in more detail, e.g. by > posting > configuration snippets and example LDIF of your user account data. > > Ciao, Michael. > > > -- -- Stanislas LEVEAU DSI4 - Département des Infrastructures Rectorat de la région académique Normandie Rectorat de l'académie de Caen 168 rue Caponière - 14061 Caen Cedex Tél. : 02 31 30 17 86