My point was some prankster and/or whitelist service  could ‎spam the honeypot 
with your credentials forged. That is a great way for a white list service to 
get customers. 

Without knowing the setup of the honeypot, it could be spoofed. These RBLs 
shoot first and ask questions later. 

Anyway, destroying the customer base one customer at a time works 
for me. A google search will find plenty of false positive complaints. 

Requesting a new IP just leaves the problem for the next owner. I managed to 
free up a block of Digital Ocean IP space by convincing one RBL that they were 
wrong regarding the IP space. Granted Digital Ocean should have done that. 

I never used any customer list nor scraped email addresses. 

The reality is these RBLs aren't bug free, and they never provide evidence of 
spamming. They prefer you go on a wild goose chase. Mind you any time I report 
a hack, I provide log data. That is how it should be done.

Two easy things to harden your server:
1) no web mail
2) all accounts use TLS

  Original Message  
From: Michael Segel
Sent: Tuesday, May 2, 2017 9:02 AM
To: Kevin A. McGrail
Cc:; Matteo Cazzador; postfix users
Subject: Re: Trace spam activity on mail server

First, honey pots aren’t an issue and spoofing an IP address is fairly easy to 

As to spam is in the eye of the beholder, if you go back to my questions… 

You’ll see that I asked about the OP’s mail list. 

Free clue… if you purchased a list of potential customers… you’re a spammer. 
If you scraped email addresses. You’re a spammer. 

If you just moved the the IP block, request a new block. Or a new ISP. 

But I’d also make sure you’re running a clean shop too. 

> On May 2, 2017, at 10:00 AM, Kevin A. McGrail <> wrote:
> On 5/2/2017 10:56 AM, wrote:
>> Would a spammy email server only trigger one RBL?
> Sure.
> Spam is often in the eye of the beholder, people use different feeds, 
> different policies, purposes, etc.
> I wouldn't discount it that it's an issue just because it's only on one RBL. 
> I'm a public mirror for quite a few and the overlap is not as high as one 
> might think.
> Regards,

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