> On Apr 29, 2017, at 6:41 AM, li...@lazygranch.com wrote:
> I've never used rsync in daemon mode (if that is the right way to phrase it), 
> but wouldn't that do everything automatically? 

I’m all set on transferring data, my main interest is in dumping the data from 
mysql and then creating the same maps in another db storage format like dbm for 
the other two hosts.

I got excited briefly when I saw the postmap “-s” flag, I was hoping I could 
use that, but apparently that flag is not yet supported for mysql:

root@nac /home/spork]# postmap -s 
postmap: fatal: table 
mysql:/usr/local/etc/postfix/mysql-virtual-mailbox-maps.cf: sequence operation 
is not supported
[root@nac /home/spork]#

And it looks like the postmap “-q” flag can’t just take a wildcard and return 

So my only option is to query mysql directly I think (again, unless someone has 
some other clever way of doing it!).  Given how modular postfix appears, I was 
thinking that one of the bundled utilities might be able to dump all the maps 
in a common format.



> I know on Digital Ocean you can use a special network between "droplets" 
> (VMs) that is local. There is no transit cost. Perhaps Vultr does the same 
> thing.‎ 
> Vultr has a free DNS.  
> If I wasn't running FreeBSD, I'd probably be on Linode.
> ‎https://www.vpsbenchmarks.com/
>   Original Message  
> From: CSS
> Sent: Friday, April 28, 2017 12:49 PM
> To: Postfix users
> Subject: Backup MX setup - alternative to db?
> Hi all,
> I have a handful of personal domains that I host myself - both as a place to 
> experiment a bit (I roll new things out here before using them on paying 
> clients), and a place to play with things that don’t scale well. As of now, I 
> just have a single MXer with a pretty standard Postfix setup. Domain/user 
> maps are all in mysql.
> I just grabbed a few VPSs since they are cheap and I wanted to try out 
> Vultr.com. I bought the smallest possible - only 512MB of RAM. I’m running 
> nsd for DNS services (found setting up two small VPS’s to be cheaper, more 
> fun than paying for secondary NS), and I’d like to add backup MX to both 
> hosts. I do NOT want to run mysql or anything else that’s a memory pig on 
> these.‎
> My idea to get my lookup maps in place is just to write a small perl script 
> that dumps my config info from mysql into flat files, uses scp to copy the 
> files over to the backup MXers, and then runs postmap on the output on the 
> backup MXers. Before I go ahead with this, any clever options that I’m 
> overlooking to have the same data on servers using different backing stores 
> for the maps?
> Thanks,
> Charles

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