
Not sure if this is the right place for this question.

I have no previous experience with Postfixadmin for domain and user
management with postfix as I usually do my configuration file editing

I've got a project where i'm needing to run it. I've got a postfix
2.11 and Postfixadmin 3.0 install in a virtual machine. The setup.php
is complete, database connectivity works fine. I've generated the hash
password and put that line in config.local.php and an admin email. I
am told that the admin email was entered properly and I can log in.
Checking the postfix mysql database shows this is so.

The problem is I try to log in via a browser and nothing, no errors
just back to the login screen. I am trying to do so over the internet
and the vm is behind a primary box, both running apache, the primary
box using the proxy module to reverse proxy the connection.

Any ideas what might be going on or any information I can provide?

Any assistance appreciated.


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