Thanks Viktor. > Automatic combination of multiple results into a single comma-separated outcome is a feature of the LDAP, MySQL and PgSQL table drivers.
> Put your aliases into a database, and you'll get the automatic merging of multiple lookup results. It's possible to achieve what I want just with one aliases file, but the postalias tool for updating it doesn't merge records together in any meaningful way and I don't know if it's possible using the current implementation. The best thing I can think of is a custom tool to merge those files. I don't really want to add a full blown MySQL, PgSQL or LDAP daemon for just 2-3 user accounts. It's not a primary function of the server and adds a lot of overhead/surface area. What would be nice if postalias could have a merge mode, which allows multiple aliases files to be merged logically (e.g. same LHS, produce ordered set union of RHS).