On 08/03/17 16:48, Wietse Venema wrote:
Mario Theodoridis:
Hello everyone,
i'm having a problem upgrading to Centos-6.8 from an older 6.x version.
The problem is created when the rpm post script runs the below command:
File a bug with CentOS. Some distros make improvements that screw
up Postfix multi-instance support.
Thanks Wietse.
Just so i know what to file.
Is running this command with multi instances wrong,
or did they break the command itself?
I don't really see this answered in the postfix or postmulti man pages.
Mit Freundlichen Grüßen / Regards
Mario Theodoridis
regify GmbH
Römerstrasse 39 | D-78183 Hüfingen
Amtsgericht Freiburg HRB 709343
Telefon: +49 771 8978 4238