Hello, I'm not sure if this is the right place to ask this question, but it is mail related.
I've got Postfix 3.1, and two milter filters dkim (with OpenDKIM), and dmarc (with OpenDMARC). At the time of initial setup I had one virtual mailbox domain and things were working fine. Now I've added two more virtual mailbox domains and need to configure both opendkim and opendmarc to handle them. I believe I have this with OpenDKIM here's the config: AllowSHA1Only no AlwaysAddARHeader yes AuthservID hostname.example.com AutoRestart Yes AutoRestartRate 5/1h Canonicalization relaxed/simple ExternalIgnoreList refile:/usr/local/etc/mail/TrustedHosts InternalHosts refile:/usr/local/etc/mail/TrustedHosts KeyTable /usr/local/etc/mail/KeyTable MinimumKeyBits 2048 Mode sv PidFile /var/run/milteropendkim/opendkim.pid SigningTable /usr/local/etc/mail/SigningTable Socket inet:8891@localhost SoftwareHeader yes SubDomains yes Syslog Yes SyslogSuccess yes UserID opendkim # OPENDKIM TRUSTED HOSTS ::1 localhost host.example.com example.com host.example2.com example2.com host.example3.com example3.com # KeyTable selector._domainkey.example.com example.com:selector:/usr/local/etc/mail/keys/example.com/selector selector._domainkey.example2.com example2.com:selector:/usr/local/etc/mail/keys/example2.com/selector selector._domainkey.example3.com example3.com:selector:/usr/local/etc/mail/keys/example3.com/selector # SigningTable example.com selector._domainkey.example.com example2.com selector._domainkey.example2.com example3.com selector._domainkey.example3.com With regards dkim will having an AuthservID of hostname.example.com mess up dkim checks for any of the other virtual mailbox domains as they are all on the one server? I am not sure how to do this using opendmarc as I can't use a table. If anyone has this working with these filters please let me know. Thanks. Dave.