This would not be a good thing to do, as deleted email will magically reappear.

Using unison to sync it worked for me, over 10years ago. But these days, just use dsync part of dovecot, and your life will be happy.

Quoting Patrick Chemla <>:

Hi Wietse,

Of course I thought about such NAS solution, but I wanted to check if there is a way with 2 separate disks, with a kind of that could be aware of emails files changes.

Actually, the mail server run onto a VM, on a big server. I have another big server with same emails VM, and I just rsync --delete --update from the first one to the second. So I have a full image copy every 5 minutes, but only one real MTA.

I will check the NAS option, if there is no other way.


Le 24/01/2017 à 13:45, Wietse Venema a écrit :
Patrick Chemla:

I have a running Fedora 24 emails server using postfix 3.1.3, with courier.

I wonder how to build a pair of MTAs to secure emails at all time,
having 2 servers receiving the emails, and users could connect to either
server to get emails, maybe on a load balanced way.

Problems are with synchronization when receiving emails from outside, or
emails read, emails moved,....
You need a redundant message store. In pre-cloud times, people
would use a NAS filer with redundant disks, store email as maildir
files (one per message) and MDAs would mount that store via NFS.
Perhaps that model still works for you.

Does someone have a good guide, howto, doc to achieve this?

Thanks for help.


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