
does there exist some sender dependent command_filter?

I would like to activate NOTIFY=SUCCESS for some sender addresses and collect 
the results.

Based on this idea:

/^(RCPT\s+TO:.*)\bNOTIFY=\S+\b(.*)/            $1 NOTIFY=SUCCESS $2
/^(RCPT\s+TO:.*)/                              $1 NOTIFY=SUCCESS

Usecase for me:
- Development; The remote side sends automatically back all the headers and 
- Knowing, when a mail has been sent. Some remote delay incoming mail.


‌Christian Rößner‌
Erlenwiese 14, 36304 Alsfeld
T: +49 6631 78823400, F: +49 6631 78823409, M: +49 171 9905345

Attachment: smime.p7s
Description: S/MIME cryptographic signature

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