I have been researching an "issue" we are having with returned emails.
We send out emails on behalf of our re-sellers of our voice mail
product, but when the email fails to be delivered the bounce returns to
us, rather that the From we had set (ie the re seller).
From my research this is because, when we speak to the delivering mail
server we HELO from our domain not the re sellers, so the delivering
mail server sets the return path to us not the re seller.
Now my understanding that if we tell our mail server to HELO from our re
sellers domain, it/we will be blocked as spammers as we are not listed
as being a mail server for our re sellers domain.
So to resolve our "issue", I would need to have us added as a MX for the
re sellers domain, and then setup our postfix mail server to send from
that domain.
My question to the list is, am I correct in all the above ? Or have I
missed a simple solution ?