El 03/12/16 a las 17:25, rich.gre...@hushmail.com escribió:

> So I'm somewhat confused how to prevent/discourage users from sending
> their authentication detail in the clear when there are secure methods
> that exist (such as, $ openssl s_client -starttls smtp -connect
> example.com:587)

We would be much better equipped to help you if you shared the output of
your postconf -n and, maybe, master.cf so we can see what your actual
configuration looks like and tell you what you have to change to achieve
what you need.

Victoriano Giralt                             CIO
                                              University of Malaga
+34952131415                                  SPAIN
Note: signature.asc is the electronic signature of present message
A: Yes.
> Q: Are you sure ?
>> A: Because it reverses the logical flow of conversation.
>>> Q: Why is top posting annoying in email ?

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