On Mon, Nov 28, 2016 at 04:29:58PM -0600, rich.gre...@hushmail.com wrote:

> >Did you also fix the key_file setting?
> Yes, I did.

Good, at this point STARTTLS is working on port 25.

> >You have received headers and logs that should indicate how the
> >mail it sent entered your mailbox.  You can also look at the 
> >relevant application settings.
> I found the error console.

Wrong logs.  Look at the Postfix logs.  If there are none matching
the time of your connection attempt, that would indicate that you've
enabled the submission service that Thunderbird is trying to use.

> >Then set it back to the default, and do make sure your master.cf
> >file has a working definition of the submission service.
> I changed it.  When I compose and send to an outside domain now, I get an
> error that hints towards port 25 being strongly preferred over 587.

You do have to enable submission in master.cf.  And test it for
basic connectivity and STARTLS support with "telnet" or the like,
before bothering with Thunderbird.


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