On the "http://www.postfix.org/docs.html" page, the link to "Postfix Howtos by Matthias Andree" <http://home.pages.de/~mandree/postfix/> is apparently broken:
Not Found The requested document was not found on this server. Web Server at dt.e-technik.tu-dortmund.de There are also a few others that appear broken: Simplifying Mailer Daemons and Associated Tools by Chuck S. Mead, Jr. <http://www.moongroup.com/mailhelp.phtml> RedHat 7.3 laptop howto by Mark Frazer. <http://mjfrazer.org/~mjfrazer/postfix-rh73-laptop.html> Multiple Postfix instances howto by Derrick Webber. <http://advosys.ca/papers/postfix-instance.html> Adaptech Systems class AS220 <http://www.adeptech.com/training/courses/as220>