On 2016-10-23 Paul van der Vlis wrote:
> Op 22-10-16 om 18:23 schreef /dev/rob0:
>> The only actual conclusion is that you have failed to put forth the 
>> necessary information, as Bill [I think] pointed you to the 
>> http://www.postfix.org/DEBUG_README.html#mail link.
> The problem is that somebody did send spam using port 587 with a not
> excisting username, and I am interested how that is possible.
> sigmund:/var/log# postconf -Mf

So you finally decided to show the output of "postconf -Mf" and
"saslfinger -s". Good. Now you just need to provide the rest of the
information Bill Cole asked of you 2 days ago:

- Full output of "postconf -nf".
- Full headers of a sample message (you may obfuscate personal
  information about the recipient).
- All log lines associated with that particular message. At the very
  least the output of "grep <QUEUE_ID> /var/log/mail.log".

  In case you don't know how to find the queue ID in a log message, it's
  this part of the log line:

  <date> <host> postfix/smtpd[<pid>]: 2758BBF4062: ...

And did you already investigate why the authentication backend considers
"p...@puk.nl" a valid user, as Noel Jones asked? What did you find out?

Without all of the information mentioned above you're just wasting
everyone's time.


Probably unrelated, because the messages in question apparently are
received via submission, but still: you may want to disable verbose
logging for the smtpd on port 25. Remove the "-v" from this line in

> smtp       inet  n       -       -       -       -       smtpd -v

Verbose logging is only required in very specific debugging scenarios
and wont do you any good for regular operations or troubleshooting.

Ansgar Wiechers

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