Noel, I'm confused.
What you say seems to contradict this:

The default_destination_concurrency_limit parameter (default: 20) controls how 
many messages may be sent to the same destination simultaneously

Are you saying any custom ones we set act differently than the default ?

This is mine, I have been running for a long time.

slowaol_destination_recipient_limit = 10
slowaol_destination_concurrency_limit = 2
slowaol_destination_rate_delay = 30s
slowhot_destination_recipient_limit = 10
slowhot_destination_concurrency_limit = 2
slowhot_destination_rate_delay = 10s

In your mind what does my config do ?
I thought it sends 20 emails a minute max to AOL and 120 emails a minute max to 

Thanks your help.

-Angelo Fazzina
Operating Systems Programmer / Analyst 
University of Connecticut,  UITS, SSG-Linux/ M&C

-----Original Message-----
From: [] 
On Behalf Of Noel Jones
Sent: Tuesday, October 18, 2016 9:50 AM
Subject: Re: Rate Limiting & 'destination_concurrency_limit'

On 10/18/2016 3:39 AM, David Byrne wrote:
> Hi all,
> We need a way to limit outbound mails to a specific domain to just 10 mails 
> in 10minutes. The issue I’m having is that I can only get it to send 1 email 
> every queue run, so 1 email every 10minutes. I can set the 
> destionation_rate_delay to 1minute, and have 10 of them send in 10minutes, 
> but this delays the messages for up to 10 minutes.

Postfix does not have a mechanism to send a burst of mail, then wait
some specified period of time for the next burst.  For a limit of 10
messages per 10 minutes, postfix must send one message per minute.

The concurrency limit is automatically set to one when using rate

  -- Noel Jones

> I have a custom smtp_transport configured in a test environment:
> Running postfix 2.6.6
> CentOS 6.8 x64
> #ratelimit config
> smtp-dave_destination_rate_delay = 30s
> smtp-dave_destination_concurrency_limit = 1
> smtp-dave_destination_recipient_limit = 2
> smtp-dave_initial_destination_concurrency = 1
> #transport map
> transport_maps = regexp:/etc/postfix/transport
> In /etc/postfix/transport I have:
> /\@domain\.co\.uk/          smtp-dave:
> (where domain is the receiving domain that this needs to apply to)
> smtp-dave unix  -       -       n       -       1       smtp
> -o syslog_name=smtp-dave
> -----------------------------
> I trigger a bunch of emails to be sent instantly with the following:
> for i in `cat recpts`; do echo "hello" | mail -s "testing throttling" $i; done
> (where recpts is a file with 60instances of the receiving domains email 
> address)
> What happens taking the above config into account is it queues 59 mails, 
> sends one, then runs the transport every 30seconds, and sends 1 more mail, 
> waits 30seconds, sends 1 more mail.
> There are two problems with this:
> Firstly, if I change the config to:
> smtp-dave_destination_rate_delay = 30s
> smtp-dave_destination_concurrency_limit = 5
> smtp-dave_destination_recipient_limit = 2
> smtp-dave_initial_destination_concurrency = 5
> It does not send 5 emails at once, which I expected it to.. Perhaps I’ve 
> misinterpreted the meaning od concurrency limit?

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