Eric Abrahamsen <> writes:

> Eric Abrahamsen <> writes:
>> I recently updated a server's Ubuntu version, and multi-domain
>> sender-dependent transport for Postfix has stopped working. Postfix is
>> now at 2.11.0, but I'm not actually sure what version it was at before.
>> This installation serves two domains, one of which is the one I'm using
>> to send this message. The other is supposed to be switched to a
>> different outgoing IP/host using
>> sender_dependent_default_transport_maps. This has been working just fine
>> for many months.
>> Since the server upgrade, all messages sent by the other domain show as
>> being sent by the IP for, and SPF checks are failing.
>> Ie, the smtp_bind_address in below isn't taking effect.

And, strangely, it doesn't *always* seem to go wrong. At the very least,
the addresses that bounce due to SPF fail don't bounce every time.

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