On 06/08/16 11:34, Jason wrote:
> I have Postfix, Dovecot and Amavis on my Ubuntu server. Recently, I get
> every 4 minutes a connection from IP, which appears to be
> Windows XP and maybe has a virus. Anyway, I found the way (after a lot
> of Googling) to make my Postfix not delay client access checks and I
> reject that IP based on a custom blacklist. However, it stays around for
> a while.
> I want to find a more radical way to forcibly disconnect the IP when the
> check has finished and the IP hasn't passed it. How can I do that? (I
> seek a Postfix solution, not iptables or similar)

This may not work for you, but I reject all incoming mail connections
directly from Windows hosts at my firewall.  They are overwhelmingly
likely to be botnet spam zombies.  If it's a legitimate mailserver, it
will fall back through my backup MX.  If it doesn't, the odds are I
didn't want the mail anyway.

  Phil Stracchino
  Babylon Communications
  Landline: 603.293.8485

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