> Date: Monday, May 16, 2016 19:38:56 +0000
> From: "Gomes, Rich" <gomes-r...@aramark.com>
> Thank you.
> My goal is for any IPs in the access file to be allowed and any not
> listed in access to be rejected with Relay Denied Just like using
> the access file in Sendmail...
> Thanks,
> Rich

I don't believe that that is how the sendmail "access"
(/etc/mail/access) file/db works. 

In my experience, and double checking the documentation:


you can use the sendmail "access" file to explicitly reject (or
explicitly accept, in the case that other rules would reject) a
message - based on various address parameters. But anything *not
included in that file is accepted by default*. You can have other
rules, likely including rules in the access file, that reject by
default, but the standard usage of the access file is explicit
reject, not explicit accept.

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