On 5/4/2016 8:56 AM, Julian Kippels wrote:
> Hi,
> most of our mails are deliverd with lmtp, but some are delilered to
> other machines for further processing via smtp (exchange server and
> mailman). When mails for those systems are being delivered, they are not
> logged. I only get the log entry from smtpd, but nothing from smtp. Lmtp
> is beeing logged just fine.
> Any ideas why?

Postfix logs via the system syslog service.  Missing logging for one
postfix component usually means that component is set for chroot,
and the chroot directory is missing the syslog socket.

Either turn off the master.cf chroot flag for smtp, or fix the
chroot environment.

Hmm, unless I missed something, the master.cf you posted doesn't
show any chrooted processes. First, make sure this is the right
master.cf.  Then check your syslog service to make sure it's not
filtering those entries or sending them to a different log file.  At
any rate, this is something that will need to be fixed in syslog
rather than postfix.

  -- Noel Jones

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