On Wed, Apr 6, 2016, at 09:12 AM, Noel Jones wrote:
> >     postfix/postscreen[18826]: cache 
> > btree:/var/lib/postfix/postscreen_cache full cleanup: retained=224 
> > dropped=12 entries
> > 
> > It looks like it's happening because they're 'full' at the time.
> They are removed because they are expired.

Ok, so it's "full cleanup" of postscreen_cache, NOT a cleanup of 
"postscreen_cache fuill"

> There is no limit on the cache size, and the default
> postscreen_*_ttl values should be reasonable for the vast majority
> of sites.

Makes sense now.

> > Is there any advantage/harm in using lmdb here, instead of btree?  I'm 
> > already using lmdb as default DB type for most other !pcre tables.
> Access latency is the important part.  Slow access to the cache will
> limit the number of connections postfix can service.
> btree is suggested because it's fast and supports the features needed.
> I don't use lmdb, so I can't really answer if it's suitable for the
> postscreen cache.

IIUC, lmdb is based on / derived from btree.

The in-memory  (http://symas.com/mdb/inmem/) & on-disk benchmarks 
(http://symas.com/mdb/ondisk/)) suggest LMDB's performance, and latency 
 are significantly better than most.

Boils down to whether lmdb: can/should be used in this parameter instance. I'll 
wait to hear from others on it.



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