[modeline support to turn on/off #comment support]

Tom Browder:
> I agree, but I was think of a non-default build config define for CCARGS, say,
> '-DALLOW_TRAILING_COMMENTS', so that all files read by postfix would
> always have trailing comments stripped before the rest of the line is
> processed.  No one outside the using would be bothered by mode lines
> or anything else, it would just work.  If the ALLOW_TRAILING_COMMENTS
> were used perhaps a warning could be issued upon postfix start.

The next person to inherit your configuration will hate you.

> P.S. BTW, is the postcard address in AAAREADME still correct with your new 
> job?

No. It shows that it is a bad idea to put a mailing address in software
that is going to last for a long time.


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