On 3/11/2016 12:54 PM, @lbutlr wrote:
> On Fri Mar 11 2016 11:45:31 Viktor Dukhovni   <postfix-us...@dukhovni.org> 
> said:
>> On Fri, Mar 11, 2016 at 11:38:13AM -0700, @lbutlr wrote:
>>>> You have some sort of proxy in front of your Postfix server.  The
>>>> proxy may be blocking Yahoo's servers.
>>> That is postscreen, which has a 4 or 5 second delay for new connections  
>>> however, that connection would be logged, wouldn’t it?
>> Well, the IP address of the Yahoo host would be logged, yes.  They
>> may not be willing to wait the 5 seconds.
> Then shouldn’t they generate a DND to the sender?

They would likely treat connection problems as a temporary error,
and might not send a delivery notice for several days.  But they
should eventually send a notice.

This problem (postscreen delays legit mail server) is nicely solved
by using a dns whitelist such as dnswl.org to bypass postscreen
tests for known mail servers... not necessarily "known good"
servers, just known to not be a bot.  Then your smtpd and content
filtering can decide if you want the mail.

  -- Noel Jones

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