Ok, thanks Bill.

I have postscreen enabled. 


smtp      inet  n       -       n       -       1       postscreen

However, I had the postscreen_access_list setting set to ignore ….. so learning 
all the time :-)

Now to look at pf. Thanks for the excellent tips there.


> On 5 Mar 2016, at 00:42, Bill Cole 
> <postfixlists-070...@billmail.scconsult.com> wrote:
> On 4 Mar 2016, at 9:47, Robert Chalmers wrote:
>> thanks, that seems to work - how to make it permanent next …
>> but, it should be working in postfix in any case shouldn’t it?
>> Wep, weekend coming up.
>> Robert
>>> On 4 Mar 2016, at 13:48, L.P.H. van Belle <be...@bazuin.nl> wrote:
>>> Very simple, route it to localhost.
>>> Like :
>>> route add -host
> That's really a sloppy fix. It works (until your next reboot) but routing 
> packets to the loopback interface isn't scalable and ignores other problems 
> that you clearly have:
> 1. You have a lot of postscreen settings but don't seem to actually have 
> postscreen enabled, although it may be that you just didn't show the 
> postscreen log lines. If you do have postscreen actually working, you can use 
> the postscreen_access_list setting that you already have to blacklist that IP 
> in the cidr map you seem to intend to be using.
> 2. In reference to this:
>> Mac. OSX 10.11
>> Postfix.
>> I’ve even tried setting it in the firewall - but I’m missing something, 
>> because there it
>> is again...
>> I have the domain IP in a blacklist on both the pf.conf firewall
> I offer my condolences. Part of why I still run some things (including my 
> personal Postfix instance) on older MacOS is that the newer and objectively 
> better pf firewall has persistently confused me and I have all these little 
> tools for ipfw that work around even the Apple-custom breakages in it. 
> However, I do have *some* familiarity with pf so I can try to help.
> If you THINK you have the IP blocked by a rule in pf.conf yet clearly do not, 
> that's a serious problem. Either pf is turned off or there's a rule ordering 
> problem or something more arcane, but in any case pf isn't doing what you 
> think it should be doing, and that's never a good thing in a firewall. The 
> first thing to check is whether you actually have an active pf rule or rules 
> related to that IP, which you might not. Easy enough to check with the 
> command:
>       pfctl -v -s rules
> That will list your rules with some stats, and near the end of the list 
> should be something like these:
>       block return in log quick inet proto tcp from to any 
> port = 25
>        [ Evaluations: 15858 Packets: 0 Bytes: 0 States: 0 ]
>        [ Inserted: uid 0 pid 77467 ]
>       block return in log quick inet proto tcp from to any 
> port = 465
>        [ Evaluations: 0 Packets: 0 Bytes: 0 States: 0 ]
>        [ Inserted: uid 0 pid 77467 ]
>       block return in log quick inet proto tcp from to any 
> port = 587
>        [ Evaluations: 0 Packets: 0 Bytes: 0 States: 0 ]
>        [ Inserted: uid 0 pid 77467 ]
> Which is the three active rules that would be generated by having this at the 
> end of /etc/pf.conf when it was last reloaded:
>       block return in log quick proto tcp from to any port 
> {25,465,587}
> Your rule may differ in small ways, yet be entirely reasonable. If you have a 
> rule in pf.conf that doesn't seem to have resulted in one or more in the 
> active listing, maybe you just forgot to reload:
>       pfctl -f /etc/pf.conf
> Or if the rule shows in the active list but isn't working, maybe this will 
> help:
>       pfctl -e

Robert Chalmers
rob...@chalmers.com <mailto:rob...@chalmers.com>.au  Quantum Radio: 
Mac mini 6.2 - 2012, Intel Core i7,2.3 GHz, Memory:16 GB. El-Capitan 10.11.  
XCode 7.2.1
2TB: Drive 0:HGST HTS721010A9E630. Upper bay. Drive 1:ST1000LM024 HN-M101MBB. 
Lower Bay

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