Andrea Borghi: > Hello! > > I need to configure Postfix (version , latest on debian jessie/stable) and > in > turn its smtp client in a manner that *for specific sources* it send all the > message in one go, expliciting *all* the recpipients also in the smtp dialog > with the remote server. > > On other words, if i have a message such as: > > From: selected_address@local.domain > To: recipient1@domain, recipient2@otherdomain > cc: recipient3@anotherdomain
Use transport_maps: see "man 5 transport". selected_address@local.domain smtp:upstream-host recipient1@domain smtp:upstream-host recipient2@otherdomain smtp:upstream-host and so on. Postfix groups recipients by next-hop destination (here: smtp:upstream-host), subject to smtp_destination_recipient_limit. Wietse